Endré Witthoeft, True Grit Fitness is a “Gym in a Jeep.” He meets you where you are – home, office, parks – providing all the fitness gear, and gets you to where you need to go! For 29 years as an ACE-certified Personal Trainer & PTR (Pro Tennis Registry) Certified Tennis Instructor; he has trained a diverse client base, meeting where they are on their fitness journey, in a non-judgemental way, giving expert fitness knowledge, motivation and accountability. He encourages you to be self-empowered . . . working together while he customizes the training to your personal level and goals, guiding you, he expects you to choose healthy habits daily that will transform your life.
If you have any questions or are interest in a free one-hour fitness coaching session, call or text Endré at 610-324-4555. The sessions range from 35 minutes to 1 hour and are sold in package prices. Packages start at $450 for on site, expert coaching. Call now to see how we can get you started on your fitness journey.
Endre’ G. Witthoeft
Personal Trainer
True Grit Fitness, LLC